Monday, April 2, 2007

Lord of the Ring...(master)...

The cast list has been decided, and like every secret inevitably ends up...revealed. Much to my surprise I have been given the role of R I N G M A S T E R. Whilst somewhat surprised I am more than happy with the role, and subsequently look forward to the challenge - yes, CHALLENGE. I think it's going be an enormous challenge because the character is so "BIG" (as in character, not as in amount of dialogue or stage time), and thus the challenge comes by having to portray him as a mysterious, 'big,' and energetic character without being too inroverted and fake.

Other than that , i'm looking forward to the "production," yet the 9 weeks prior are going to be a circus in itself, what with the likes of the lack of "chemistry" as such within the class. At the moment, our class is in two segments - (OIL & WATER), we're not mixing!

Anyway, besides that, i'm looking forward to playing the role of RINGMASTER, and hope to hell i can do it some justice: - should be good fun!

