Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Slowly but surely...that's how it goes

Well, rehearsel's have started...slowly....

we had our holiday rehearsel's with character building and what not, but now that the real "down to business" rehearsel's have begun,'s a bit of a wake up call and a culture shock.

6 weeks is all we have until the performance...(well techinically 5 with production week being in the 6th week)...and thats not along time.

Yesterday 2/5/07, i couldn't attend the first afterschool rehearsel because of a football commitment which was out of my control. It was the only training we had this week and it happened to be selection night. Now what pisses me off to be quite honest is the bickering that followed...Now what alot of people fail to realise is that it's 1st XVIII football people...the highest level of football in the college competing against other people from schools such as Sacred Heart, St Peters and Prince Alfred College - (people from those schools currently play League at SANFL clubs and will potentially make AFL - it's not a modified league or a skirt bearing, oh i broke a nail competition by any stretch of the imagination. I'm no sexist, but what alot of femails fail to accept (especially when they're not heavly involved in the sport) is the fact that there is an immense pressure put on footballers, a high demand on players by coaches, and first impression is a lasting impression! It's not easy to miss a training...especially when its the first and only training back from holidays before the first game of the season.

This is not sepcifically aimed at anyone in particular, i just want to let the group know things they might not have.



jayan Mace said...

Well hellloooooo Luke,
I would definatly be put back in my box if I didn't find it funny. Of course you are going to get flack (not sure of the spelling. People like to lean on any thing that will prevent them from success. Unfortunately I have to put on the pressure or people would find reasons, such as breaking a nail, to miss rehearsals.
Anyway enough of that. I hope that you played well on Saturday
(and selected in the first place) and the team won.
It is hard when you are involved in more then one area and everyone expects both your time and best, without fully understanding the importance of your other commitments.

phoebe said...

i hope you know i wasn't being serious... lol.

Ally said...

hey - i heard what happened on monday and i'd just like to say thanks for sticking up for me, as everyone says you did.

means a lot to me.

knowlesey said...

Well done last night Luke! You showed that even though anything and everything can go wrong, there's nothing The Ringmaster can't cover up! Good luck with tonight too!

molly said...

you need to get up to date with your blog luke